Product introduction
  • Farseer overview
  •         Farseer is a big data platform that can abstract key intelligence, discover major talking points, manage latest information trends and enable reactions to ad hoc incidents.
            Farseer’s functions is to conduct a 24/7 intelligence aggregation, filtering and processing across media websites, forums, weibo, blogs and overseas platforms, helping users with a comprehensive intelligence monitoring and analytics. This helps users and corporates to timely and accurately master Internet activities, to self-manage their Internet image, raise awareness of crisis management capabilities, increase job efficiencies, enabling users to achieve timely access to important intelligence.
In-depth data
  • Data sources come from over 5 million media and social data across 100 countries.
  • News, forums, Weibo, WeChat and capital market intelligence. Provides a comprehensive intelligence coverage.
  • Sifts through topics of your interest, by setting up folders and keywords of your choice.
  • Our cloud engine recommends companies and corporate leaders of similar industries referencing your keyword inputs.
Intelligent cloud analytics
  • Through our global cloud infrastructure, our data engine manages to quickly filter and select relevant data for your use.
  • Through the distribution mechanism, Farseer quickly filters and processes an enormous amount of data from sources across the world.
  • Farseer embeds a machine learning algorithm, enable it to process and categorise data of different nature, so to provide bespoke data analysis and storage for clients.
Victory in sight
  • First-hand information and data is key productivity and resources to modern enterprises. The importance of data has become key success factors in business.
  • Leveraging the proprietary big data technology, Farseer provides a strong data and information backbone helping corporates across business strategies, product trends monitoring, market and competitive analysis.
  • We revolutionaries business decision making with our big data technology.
Zero deployment cost
  • Farseer is based on a SaaS structure,users can tailor bespoke features and services.
  • Farseer demands zero deployment cost. It supports all types of operations systems without the need to specific hardware and software installations and upgrades.
  • Farseer will consistently launches different functional modules. Our flexibilities allows users to experience a boost in productivity through our technology.
Alerts and reporting
  • Through our proprietary big data technology, Farseer can monitor specifics that users care about, including incidents, news, competitors, and industry trends etc., so as to pass important messages to users at right time for crisis management and investment opportunities.
  • Farseer supports multiple reporting and alerts generations every day according to users’ preferences. Users can generate reports with data and intelligence of their concerns without any time gap.